What is DBT?
Many people have heard of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). It’s a type of talk therapy that can be used to manage and treat everything from anxiety and depression to certain aspects of trauma. However, you might not have heard of DBT—Dialectical Behavior Therapy. DBT is a type of psychotherapy designed to help individuals with mood disorders and negative behavioral patterns. It’s especially effective for people who tend to experience extreme emotions.
Let’s take a closer look at the ins and outs of DBT.
A CBT Adaptation
Technically, DBT is a type of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. However, it’s specifically adapted for people who experience emotions intensely. Instead of just talking through those emotions and trying to figure them out, DBT goes one step further by both helping you accept those emotions and the behaviors that accompany them and learning how to change them.
Yes, you read that correctly. Dialectical actually means combining opposing ideas, and that’s exactly what you can expect from this therapy. Not only will you learn how to spot negative behavioral patterns and accept that they are a part of your life, but you’ll also learn how to change those behaviors to make healthier choices and improve your mental well-being.
How Does DBT Work?
While combining opposing ideas might not seem like an effective way to treat intense emotions and problematic behavior, DBT works by helping you find a balance between who you are and who you can be with emotional regulation. It’s not about shaming you for behaviors or even trying to say you’re “wrong.” Rather, it focuses on learning new skills to manage both your emotions and those behaviors, skills that will help you build a life worth living.
Every therapist does things a bit differently. However, if you’re working with a therapist who uses DBT techniques, you’ll focus on limiting self-harming behaviors and other behaviors that impede growth by learning skills for managing intense emotions and changing behavior.
You’re also likely to talk about your personal goals and the kind of life you’d like to have. Is something standing in the way of a better quality of life? Those are things you and your therapist can address and get to the bottom of to determine if changes need to be made.
What to Expect
You’ll meet with your therapist about once a week. That doesn’t mean the “work” only happens during therapy. Your therapist will help you learn the skills necessary to replace unhelpful behaviors with positive ones. But you’ll have to hone those skills on your own throughout the week.
It can be helpful to keep a journal with you each day. By tracking your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, it will be easier to identify negative patterns. When you’re able to identify those things easily, you and your therapist will know where to focus as you move forward.
Is DBT Right for You?
DBT has been proven effective for a variety of mental health conditions, including borderline personality disorder, PTSD, anxiety, and depression. It also helps people struggling with eating disorders or self-harm.
This type of therapy has been successful for these conditions because it focuses on changing behaviors and finding healthier ways to cope with negative thoughts and intense emotions.
It’s important to understand that some therapists may use certain techniques from DBT to work with individual clients, for instance emotion regulation techniques or distress tolerance skills. However, depending on the intensity of a client’s struggles, individual therapists may sometimes suggest a more intense form of DBT, both individual and group, provided at the same time. When you talk with a trained therapist, together you can assess your needs and decide what would work best for you to meet your goals.
You have to commit to making changes in your life if you want DBT to work for you. It’s not some magical “cure” for problem behaviors and intense emotions. But, if you’re ready to let go of past problems and commit to creating a better present and future, it could make a major difference in your life.
Chanderbhan Psychological Services
About: Chanderbhan Psychological Services is a therapy practice located in Laredo, Texas. We help individuals and couples who are struggling in different areas of their lives gain the clarity they need to grow and change. We also offer telehealth to individuals located in the wider State of Texas. To read blogs on mental health and relationships, visit our website.