Coping with Holiday Anxiety
The holidays are fast approaching. While it’s meant to be a time of peace, happiness, and joy, the holidays can also be extremely stressful. When you already struggle with anxiety, even thinking about the upcoming holiday season can trigger intrusive thoughts and make you more anxious than ever. Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be that way.
If you struggle with anxiety, there are several ways that you can approach the holidays that will make the season easier to get through. Let’s look at some of the best solutions for managing those intrusive thoughts and enjoying the holidays this year (and beyond!).
1. Learn How to Say No
There’s no denying that the holiday season is a busy time of year. There are work events, gatherings with friends, parties, family get-togethers, and so much more. All of that is on top of everything you already have to do on a daily basis.
Remind yourself that it’s okay to say “no” to certain things this time of year. You don’t need to go to every party or big town event. Learning to say “no” and being okay with that decision will give you more time to focus on the things that are most important to you. It will also give you more time to relax and practice self-care throughout the season.
2. Spend Time Outside
Depending on where you live, you might not be able to spend as much time outside in the winter as you would like. However, chances are there are at least some clear days/nights where you can enjoy the clear air or the starry sky. Taking a breather and getting some fresh air can reduce stress, calm your nerves, and boost your mood. Winter can be a beautiful time, so don’t be afraid to bundle up and step outside for a few minutes each day.
3. Stay Physically Active
The holidays aren’t exactly known for promoting physical activity. Unfortunately, staying sedentary and eating a lot of indulgent foods can do more harm than good to your mental well-being. Do your best to exercise at least a few times a week. Regular exercise will help you manage your stress levels, boost your energy, and make any anxious thoughts easier to deal with. If you don’t want to work out outdoors, try looking up different workout videos on YouTube, or head to your local gym.
4. Keep a Journal
You don’t have to be a pro at writing to effectively keep a journal through the holiday season and beyond. By writing down your experience when any negative thoughts creep in, you’ll be more conscious and aware of how your anxiety affects you. Sometimes, simply getting those thoughts on paper can help to pull you back to the present moment and make those anxious thoughts seem less overwhelming. Jot down how you’re feeling and what you think triggered your anxiety. Not only will it make it easier to calm down, but you’ll have a record of how well you’re doing when it comes to working on (and eventually overcoming) your anxiety.
5. Practice Mindfulness
Anxiety often rears its ugly head when too many “what ifs” come to mind. It’s all about uncertainty, and the holidays can be a very uncertain time for some people. One of the best ways to combat those feelings is to practice mindfulness. Choose to stay in the present moment. Close your eyes, and focus on your breathing and how you feel at that exact moment. It takes some time and practice to get comfortable with mindfulness, but it can help manage anxiety.
The holidays don’t have to make your anxiety worse. Try some of these approaches if you’re already stressing about the season, and don’t hesitate to reach out for help if you’re really struggling. You should never have to deal with anxiety on your own.
Chanderbhan Psychological Services
About: Chanderbhan Psychological Services is a therapy practice located in Laredo, Texas. As we close out the year, we wish our Laredo community, our wider State of Texas community, and the clients we serve in other states, a happy and safe holiday. We hope you take time to (re)connect with the ones you love and to nourish yourself. To read blogs on mental health and relationships, visit our website.