How Fear Might Be Manifesting In Your Life
Everyone deals with fear at some point. Some people struggle with it more than others. Some are triggered by certain things while others seem to fight against fear constantly. However, there are some who might be dealing with fear without really realizing it. What does that mean, exactly? Fear can manifest itself as something else, causing other mental health struggles, and even physical health issues that make life more difficult. Often, fear manifests itself as anxiety and worry, causing you to avoid the things that make you anxious. Why is that important? Let’s take a closer look at how fear might be manifesting itself in your life, and what you should do about it.
What Are You Avoiding?
When fear manifests itself as worry or anxiety, it’s not uncommon to avoid the things that you’re afraid of. Do you avoid looking at your bank account because of concern about meeting financial obligations? Are you avoiding going out with that really nice person who keeps asking because you’re scared of “messing up”? Or, maybe you’re afraid of rejection. One of the best ways to treat anxiety is to get to the underlying cause. Take the time to ask yourself why you’re afraid of certain things. Fear doesn’t typically come from nothing. It can be caused by past experiences or narratives about the world or the future that you carry with you.
What Can You Do?
Ultimately, you need to discover where your fear is coming from. One way to do that is by reflecting on what makes you anxious. Take a look at negative messages from your past, or what is present in your life that could be triggering those emotions. Examine what you tell yourself about the world. Are you constantly monitoring your environment for threats or disappointments? What do you tell yourself about the future? Do you see the future as dark or scary? Or, when you think about the future do you doubt your ability to build a stable, contented life? Journaling is a great way to “connect the dots” and make more sense of your fear. Not only does it allow you to get all of your thoughts out, but it allows you to step back and build clarity about your internal experience. It’s not uncommon or abnormal to feel afraid. But, if it keeps happening, it requires some reflection so you can have a deeper understanding of what’s going on. At present prostate inspection method can be roughly divided into three types, they are cute cheapest viagra nonspecific orchitis, chronic nonspecific orchitis and acute mumps orchitis.
Take Control of the Fear
Chanderbhan Psychological Services
Sometimes, the fear won’t go away – at least not on its own. That doesn’t mean you need to give it the power to completely control your life. You don’t have to wait for the fear to go away to start facing it. In fact, like anxiety, fear usually won’t go away on its own until it is confronted. Pushing fears away isn't a good idea, since they’ll always end up coming back – one way or another. So, what can you do?Embrace the fear. That probably sounds strange but it’s important for us to take a stance of acceptance towards all our emotions, including fear. Ultimately, emotions come and go and some are more uncomfortable than others-- but they cannot harm us. Take a stance of acceptance to your fear. Remind yourself that it feels terrible but it will pass. Fear is an emotion; it feels overwhelming-- but it can’t hurt you. Tools like mindfulness and meditation can help you to stay in the present so you can calm down enough to reflect on your internal experience without being overwhelmed. Once that fear has subsided, you can start to reflect on what the triggers were, whether environmental or thought triggers. Facing fear and anxiety on your own can be overwhelming and can leave you feeling isolated and confused. It’s important to understand that though fear is unpleasant, it is a part of the human experience. Learning more about your fears and anxieties can help give you clarity and thus feel more in control of your life. To learn more about anxiety read our other blog posts on recognizing anxiety in your life and coping with anxiety. Finally, don’t hesitate to reach out for help; find a therapist with whom you feel comfortable. Together, you can tackle your fear and anxiety so you can move forward in your life. About: Chanderbhan Psychological Services is a therapy practice located in Laredo, Texas. We help individuals and couples who are struggling in different areas of their lives gain the clarity they need to grow and change. We also offer video counseling services to individuals located in the wider State of Texas. To read blogs on mental health and relationships, visit our website.