Grief and the Holidays: Celebrating Life & Honoring the Lost

No matter how you celebrate, the holidays always seem to evoke feelings of togetherness.  People want to spend time with friends and family,  enjoying the season in each other’s company.But, it can also be a  time where the memory of those you’ve lost comes to the forefront of your mind.  Maybe you start thinking of holidays in the past or wishing they were here today. Grief during the holidays can be really difficult.There’s a reason the holidays can also be the loneliest time of year, for some. But, there’s no reason you can’t celebrate the season while also honoring your loved ones who have passed.Whether it’s been a difficult year of loss due to COVID, or unexpected losses because of other illnesses or accidents, there are things you can do to help with grief during the holidays and getting through this season while honoring their memories.

Don’t Ignore Your Loss

You might think the best thing is to brush your grief under the rug –  especially at the holidays when everyone is expected to be “merry”.But, ignoring your loss is one of the worst things you can do. It can make you feel more isolated and hurt. You might also feel guilty, as though you aren’t doing enough to honor your loved one.It’s okay to acknowledge feelings of loss throughout the season. It doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate.  In fact, when you work through those feelings and accept them, you’ll be more likely to focus on the present and more willing to make new holiday memories.Acknowledging your loss will also make you more motivated to do something for those you’ve lost.

Pausing for a Moment of Memory

How you choose to honor the lost during the holidays is completely up to you. But, one of the easiest and most effective ways to shift the focus completely on those individuals who have passed is to have a moment of silence.Before everyone sits down to dinner, consider asking that they all stand, or join hands around the table. Have a moment or two of silence and ask those involved to focus their thoughts on those you’ve lost over the years.It improves functioning of levitra uk lungs and kidneys.This small gesture is a great way to let every one reflect.  It can make it seem like those who have passed are a “part” of things again, if only for a moment.

Doing Something They Would Love

If you really want to honor the memory of a lost loved one, start a new holiday tradition in their honor. Or, revamp an old one.What was something they loved doing this time of year? Whether it’s baking cookies or driving around to see the lights, make a point to keep those traditions alive, along with your memories of them.Alternatively, you could try something new in their honor. Consider volunteering at a soup kitchen or homeless shelter, especially if it’s something they were passionate about. If they loved a specific charity, make a yearly donation in their name. Even hosting a family activity day where you can all share fun memories about those you’ve lost is a wonderful tribute.Don’t be afraid to get creative with the way you celebrate the lives of the lost this season.The holidays might always be a bit harder to get through after losing someone you love.  You might always be reminded of the people you wish were still celebrating with you. But, there’s no reason you can’t keep their memory alive and honor them, especially this time of year.Whether you make their favorite holiday dish, listen to one of their favorite carols, or just reflect on your time with them, it’s okay to feel. Grief during the holidays doesn't have to be something you push away or avoid.  Permit yourself time for those memories. Grieve with a purpose. Honor yourself and your loved one by tuning into your heart and mind this season. Perhaps then the loss can start to feel a bit lighter.To learn more about coping with trauma and grief, please don’t hesitate to reach out for help. Find a counselor with whom you feel comfortable. Together, in cournseling, you can tackle your fear and anxiety so you can move forward in your life.

Chanderbhan Psychological ServicesAbout: Chanderbhan Psychological Services is a therapy practice located in Laredo, Texas. We help individuals and couples who are struggling in different areas of their lives gain the clarity they need to grow and change. We also offer video counseling services to individuals located in the wider State of Texas. To read blogs on mental health and relationships, visit our website.


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